Pokot Pres kosti mrtvých (2017)
- 2017年02月24日 (波兰) | 2小时8分钟
- 犯罪 悬疑 剧情
- 剧情:Agnieszka Holland plans to bring Olga Tokarczuk’s 2009 novel Drive Your Plough Through the Bones of the Dead, a moral thriller that addresses the issue of human treatment of animals, to the big screen. Janina Duszejko, the protagonist of Tokarczuk’s Prowadź swój pług przez kości umarłych / Drive Your Plough Through the Bones of the Dead is a 60 year-old woman, a bridge engineer who now teaches English and geography at a school in the countryside and looks after summer cottages. She has a passion for astrology and animals. The plot takes place in the windy and rainy scenery of the Kłodzka Basin where poachers and hunters start mysteriously dying. The number of deceased increases and the police can’t find the murderer.