The Singing Nun
1966年03月17日 (美国)
- 剧情:A Belgian nun, Sister Ann is sent to another order where she's at first committed to helping troubled souls like, Nichole and little Dominic. When Father Clementi hears Sister Ann's uplifting singing style, he takes her to a talent contest. Suddenly, Sister Ann is signed to a record deal and everyone is listening to her light-hearted songs. Sister Ann is unprepared for her new found fame (like appearing on the "Ed Sullivan" show) and unwanted side-effects, including a wrongful attraction to an old friend, Robert.
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In the Singing Nun, the identify of Sister Ann is not recognized. Since she actually had a "hit record" which was the result of this movie, she really needs to be credited by IMDB. The Singing Num was Jeanine Deckers. who was a member of the Domnican Fichermont Convent in Belgium. She was born Jeanne-Paule Marie Deckers. Her sisters encouraged her to record an album of religious songs in 1963. One of the songs was Dominique. Dominique became an overnight success and Sister Jeanine became known as Soeur Sourire (Sister Smile), she made it to the Ed Sullivan Show and a hit movie, The Singing Nun, was produced after her success. Souer Sourire didn't like celebrity so her musical career was short. Most or her profits went to her convent. She didn't like celebrity as a result released her second album in 1967, I Am Not a Star. Jeanne was a deeply religious person, but disagreed with her churches teachings on birth control. In 1967, she recorded Glory Be to God for the Golden Pill under the name Luc Dominique She ended her musical career after that and opened a school for autistic children in Belgium with her companion Annie Pescher. In 1982, she and Pescher committed suicide by overdosing on barbiturates and alcohol. They were buried together.
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Dave Shaver