2003年01月06日 (美国)
- 剧情:Two teams of two contestants, each of whom had been isolated in separate study chambers and kept awake for 24 hours, compete in this general knowledge quiz. During the study period, the contestants are given material to study for the show; they have 24 hours to absorb as much material as they can. Questions posed by host Elwood came from the material, which ranged from news magazines and manuals for menial tasks to joke books and medical encyclopedias. The contestants attempt to answer the questions while engaged in a variety of physical stunts, all in an attempt to drain energy and concentration from the contestants. The team leading after a series of rounds moves on to the bonus round, where they could win $10,000.
Written by
Brian Rathjen
Two teams competed to study magazines, newspapers, articles, and even books at a Hollywood Storefront for the entire 24 hours. They both arrived from the studio to meet host Graham Elwood and were both asked to go to their own giant hamster wheels to move. In Round 1, the teams played The Rant, a game in which 2 separate teams had 40 seconds to talk on the same subject that was taken from that article, there were 8 secret words that have been chosen, each time that a team mentioned one, then a team will get 10 points, however, 2 teams had to talk throughout the entire time limit, without any "ums" or "ahs", or any freezing, stalling of the words, or talking off-topic before being buzzed, which lost the team 10 points, each time. In Round 2, two separate teams, who've been studying their own subjects played their own stunts, and get to choose what subject they want to play for. To make this a little more interesting, both teams were also asked to answer questions that were taken from Cram's Big Dumb Book of Stupid List. Each question was then either of pop culture, places, science, religion, phrases, among many others, that was read by host Elwood. Each correct list question was worth 10 points, and every portion of the stunt was worth 20 points, for a total of 30 points. Both teams were able to do 2 things at once, back and forth, tagging each other, alternating turns, until the 45 second time limit was up, and then 2 teams would then both go on to their giant hamster wheels again. In Round 3, both teams were given 45 seconds, again, to answer riddled questions taken from a sequel of both. What their partner had to do was to keep the green light on, as long as the light is green, that was when host Elwood would ask the questions, and for the light to stay green, each contestant on a team had to meet the minimum output (10 mph on a bike or 50 watts of power on a rower)), for every correct answer gives the contestant 30 points, every incorrect answer and/or pass and their partner had to increase ((3 mph on a bike or 50 watts of power on a rower)). The team with the most points wins the game, along with $1,000 and gets a chance to play for $10,000 in the bonus round, the runner-up gets only $500. While the winning team goes to bed and is both blindfolded, resident sleep therapist, Miss Pickwick (Andrea Hutchman) read a series of unusual facts that have never been heard of before. They were asked to be conscious, aware and to concentrate on these statements, because host Elwood would ask the questions relating to these facts. Once host Elwood told the winning team that it's O.K. to wake up, that's when the 60 second time would start and they both had to stand on the following objects ((the motorized surfboards, teeter-totters, small peg, balance beams, etc.)), just before host Elwood would then ask the questions. If at anytime any one of the 4 feet or any part of the body touches the ground, host Elwood would have to stop reading and start the question again from the beginning. For every correct answer, the contestant will be 1 step closer to winning that $10,000 ((ex. 1 level = 1 pt., 2 levels = 2 points, 3 levels = 3 points, and so on)). Each incorrect answer and/or pass they make, and they lose a level. If they can make it all the way up to level 5, before their 60 seconds runs out, then they win $10,000, if not, then its $100 a level. During its second season, the show underwent a few changes: In Round 2, each of the teammates got a chance to watch a portion of their real-life story or testimony on videotape and could be explained later as to why they did it. After watching the tape, the teams then had 40 seconds ((instead of 45)) to answer questions and completing part of the stunt, still every correct answer was worth 10 points and every correct portion of the stunt was also worth 20 points, for a total of 30 points. In Round 3, teams had also 40 or 60 seconds ((instead of 45)) to answer more riddles, while a contestant was running a motor.
Written by
Gary Richard Collins II (gcollinsii@aol.com)