Uncle Meat
- 纪录 喜剧 音乐 科幻
- 剧情:Uncle Meat, who sometimes goes under the guises of Don Preston and Biff Debris, is an eccentric character who believs in musical progress and enjoys drinking fuming beakers and transforming into a monster. After seeing footage of him (as Don) transforming in this way while fighting for musical progress, film editor Phyllis Altenhaus meets him in person and falls in love. Later the two meet again at a pool hall under the guises of Biff Debris and Sheba Flieshman and they share a kinky shower scene together where they indulge each other's fetishes of clothes and hamburgers and declare their mutual love. Meanwhile, Uncle Meat and his band are secretly working on a hit single (made up of household items carefully arranged on a cloth) which they hope will change the world for the better by improving everyone's karma. However, no matter what he does, he can't seem to compose a hit and eventually, after he and Sheba have been married for over twelve years, his obsession with composing a single drives her to the brink and Uncle Meat must choose between his music and the woman he loves. Written by John Searcy Plot Synopsis: This plot synopsis is empty. Add a synopsis
- 导演 Frank Zappa
- 编剧 Frank Zappa
- 全体演职人员名单