Transpersonal Conversations: Stanislav Grof, M.D., Ph.D.
- 纪录
- 剧情:The founding of transpersonal psychology, LSD and non-ordinary states-of-consciousness, an expanded cartography of human consciousness, out-of-body and near-death experiences, parapsychology and many other subjects are covered in this "Transpersonal Conversation" with Dr. Stanislav Grof. Grof is credited as one of the original founders of transpersonal psychology. He is also the founder and current President of the International Transpersonal Association as well as the co-creator (along with wife and co-author, Christina Grof) of Holotropic Breathwork. He has written or edited over 30 books and published more than 140 articles in professional journals. His paradigm-challenging work has included: REALMS OF THE HUMAN UNCONSCIOUS: OBSERVATIONS FROM LSD RESEARCH, THE HUMAN ENCOUNTER WITH DEATH, THE HOLOTROPIC MIND, and THE TRANSPERSONAL VISION: THE HEALING POTENTIAL OF NON-ORDINARY STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS. e82 Written by Kevin Page