The Horror Seasons
- 2005年02月14日 (美国)
- 喜剧 恐怖
- 剧情:A French conductor tells 4 different stories with his music taking place each season. The first one autumn on Halloween of a traveller escaping from his past but reveals deadly encounters, the second one winter close to Christmas of an evil demon spirit killing bad people that are members at a crazy Reverend's church, the third spring on Easter Sunday of a monster from the underworld returns to right a wrong in a past life who was actually married to a woman that is seeing someone else, the fourth an final one is suimmer of a women living her life for the first time as a vampire. cf3 Written by Anonymous Francois Dupuis is a composer on the brink of insanity. It is concert night and he is to conduct his "orchestra" with his version of Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Through each of the music sections we witness his twisted imaginations. First comes Autumn. In this tale we find a ghost story that takes us on a rollercoaster of twists and turns. Winter sees a Stephen King-like tale of a Demon who wreaks havoc on a small town. Spring is the tale of a monster that comes back from the dead for vengeance. And the crescendo piece is Summer, which sees the first night of a vampiress. Now the real question is, will Francois's insanity get the better of him, or can his art save him. Written by Anonymous
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