The Big Thing
- 2005年04月02日 (加拿大)
- 短片 喜剧
- 剧情:1851: Elias Howe receives patent for an "Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure" (zipper) 1889: The Eiffel Tower is completed for the Parisian World Fair of the same year BUT, one detail that the history books never mention is that the World Ended that same year in 1889, in Paris. Just then, Lucifer & the Archangel Michael hatched a successful plan, followed it through, overcoming perilous obstacles, and got the job done. For the first time, our film documents and re-creates the End of the World as it really occurred. e84 Written by Carl Laudan
- 导演 Carl Laudan
- 编剧 Carl Laudan
- 全体演职人员名单
Barking Girl: [on all fours on top of bar table] Woof... Woof!